Thursday, August 23, 2007

Love Is NOT Beautiful ( Philosophy)

No human life is untouched by Love and Beauty, yet, if you ask one to explain what Love and Beauty is none can give a definition which is complete in itself.

We all have heard these words since time immemorial, and we all want to feel and possess it. We long for it!

We have used it and often used it frequently. Their use has been so common and used for such a large group of subjects that many a times we use Lovely for a thing which is Beautiful and Beautiful for a thing which is Lovely. In fact, Love and Beauty are used interchangeably, quite often.

To what extent are we true?

Love is something which does not have a physical existence. Love is an ethereal blissful feeling of care, universal togetherness, and personal acceptance in original , natural and non-artificial form. Love makes one feel blissful by ones realization that someone cares for you and in turn makes you return that care, unknowingly. One feels and expects universal togetherness - and hence the use of the phrase: I want to be with you in every life etc - in times of material and emotional ecstasy and adversity. Though you can say that the explanation is not general to the extent it should be, but if you apply the same principles the you can not deny the holistic thought. The physical non-existence of Love is further reinforced by the fact that none of its attributes can be measured and defined by a quantifiable parameter.

On the other hand, Beauty is used only for things that has physical existence. It can be seen. Here again you can argue that Beauty, like Love, cannot be quantified, but you cannot deny its material existence. But it is possible to have a relative quantification of Beauty as we popularly do by organizing contests or votes, though, its absolute quantification is debatable. A group of people can all see the same Beauty in a subject and agree on it but it is not the case with Love. Is there such a thing or or even an attempt of thought to have at least a relative quantification of Love. No.

So, it is clear that Love has evolved only as a result of human ability to feel and does not represent any physical object and we are mistaken we if use it that way. If we do not have the ability to feel things and emotions, still the Beauty would exist. Beauty can exist without Love. But of Love does not depend on any physical object.

Therefore, Love Is NOT Beautiful.

Then, It also justifies that we are wrong in showing a lopsided Love towards something that is Beautiful. Why is it that we associate Beauty with Love? In fact we can argue and show that Love and Beauty are complements of each other. That is, any object or say a person who is Beautiful is not Lovely and what is Lovely is not Beautiful.

Beauty and Love are compliments. Or,

LOVE = Compliment ( BEAUTY )



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